老寿星竖琴,原文哈普(harp),是乐器大家庭中的一位老寿星,据推算已近四千岁了。即使现今通行的、法人爱拉尔(S. Erard)1811年所创制的一种,也已越过一个半世纪以上。早在人类靠狩猎为生的年月里,可能就闻听得到她的笑语欢声。远古的人们挽弓射箭,矢发弦鸣,竖琴正是在这铮锉(钅从)声中脱胎、逐渐演化而成。繁衍生息她的土地很广阔,东方文明古国中国和埃及乃是孕育她的摇篮。人类历史文献和文学艺术里,尤其是在诗歌作品中,有她详实的文字记载,有她端庄的华贵形象,有她美妙的神话故事,有她奇丽的传闻逸事,自然也有她动人的千古佳音。在她艺术生命的长河中,至今我们还很难编
Old longevity harp, the original Harp (harp), is an instrument of the family of an old birthday, it is estimated that nearly four thousand years old. Even today, the one created by the legal entity S. Erard in 1811 has crossed more than a century and a half. As early as the hunting of human beings in the years, may hear her laughter cheers. Ancient people bow bow archery, arrowheads, harp it is in this Zheng file (钅 slave) sound born, gradually evolved. Her land is very rich and prosperous. The ancient civilizations of East China, China and Egypt are the cradles of her. Her history, literature and art, especially in poetry, have her detailed written records, her dignified and luxurious image, her fabulous myths, her anecdotal anecdotal evidence, and her touching eternity Good news. In her long life of art, we still have a hard time coding it