杀虫灵(原名乙酰甲胺磷)是有机磷杀虫剂的一个新品种。它有内吸作用,但较乐果弱;还有胃毒和触杀作用以及一定的熏蒸和杀卵作用,是一个广谱杀虫剂。用以防治咀嚼式口器害虫和刺吸式口器害虫,药效都很显著。对粮棉油茶糖菜烟果等多种作物的主要害虫均有良好的防治效象。用在烟草上,可以同时防治烟青虫和烟蚜。杀虫灵的化学名称为:0,S—二甲基—N—乙酰基硫代磷酰胺。对人、畜、家禽、鱼类毒性很低。口服急性毒性,98%原粉对小白鼠的 LD50为395毫克/公斤;75%工业品对小白鼠的 LD50为1100毫克/公斤。慢性毒性(文献
Insecticidal spirit (formerly acephate) is a new breed of organophosphate pesticides. It has a systemic effect, but the weaker than fruit; and stomach poisoning and contact action and certain fumigation and ovicidal effect, is a broad-spectrum insecticide. To control chewing mouthparts pests and sucking mouthparts pests, the efficacy is significant. The main pests on a variety of crops, such as sugar, sugar, tobacco and tobacco, have good control effects. Used in tobacco, you can control tobacco budworm and tobacco aphid. Insecticidal spirit of the chemical name: 0, S-dimethyl-N-acetyl thiophosphoramide. On people, livestock, poultry, fish toxicity is very low. Oral acute toxicity, 98% of the original powder on mice LD50 395 mg / kg; 75% of industrial products on mice LD50 of 1100 mg / kg. Chronic toxicity (literature