自律神经失调的人,平时与常人无异,可当肠胃不适或疲劳时就会晕车船。下面介绍晕车船的穴位疗法。 穴位:鸠尾、中脘、梁门(见图示)。 方法:将橡皮膏剪成小方块,在上面放1颗米,出差前将橡皮膏贴于穴位上。如橡皮膏失去粘性脱落,再换一块新的按上法贴上。如果乘车船过程中感到不舒服,要及早按压上述穴位,要按压到有疼痛感,才不会呕吐。此外。至少出门前1周每天要有充足的睡眠,还要注意饮食,调整好肠胃。
People with autonomic disorders, usually no different from ordinary people, can be when stomach upset or fatigue motion sickness. The following describes the motion sickness ship point therapy. Acupoints: dove tail, Zhongli, Liangmen (see illustration). Methods: The adhesive tape cut into small squares, put 1 meter above, the adhesive tape affixed to the acupuncture points before traveling. Such as adhesive loss of sticky off, and then replaced by a new method according to paste. If you feel uncomfortable traveling by car, to press the acupuncture points as soon as possible, to be pressed to have a pain, it will not vomit. In addition. At least 1 week before going out to have adequate sleep every day, but also pay attention to diet, adjust the stomach.