勇于质疑 善于辨正——培养学生创造性思维能力教学小札

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敏锐地发现问题,大胆地提出问题,敢于向权威挑战,这是具有创造性思维能力学生的重要特征之一。青少年学生,一方面普遍具有强烈的求知欲和好奇心,喜爱寻根究底地提出问题,并发表与众不同的新奇的见解;另一方面,他们又幼稚单纯,见闻不广,知识贫乏,往往容易轻信盲从,迷信权威(名人、师长、书籍报刊上一切印成铅字的文章)。因此,我们在语文教学中,应该注意到中学生这种既矛盾而又统一的心理特点,在不断丰富他们扎实的基础知识的同时,引导他们破除迷信, Sensitive to find problems, boldly raise questions and dare to challenge the authority, which is one of the important characteristics of students with creative thinking ability. Young students, on the one hand, generally have strong curiosities and curiosities, they like to ask questions thoroughly and make distinctive and novel opinions; on the other hand, they are naive, informative and lacking in knowledge, Blind obedience, superstition authority (celebrities, teachers, books, newspapers and magazines, all printed in the type of article). Therefore, in Chinese teaching, we should pay attention to the contradictory and unified psychological characteristics of secondary school students. While constantly enriching their solid basic knowledge, we should guide them to get rid of superstition,
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五年制中学统编教材高中语文第二册课文‘雁荡山’后面有一道练习题,要求找出句子中比较复杂的主语,例句之一是:‘世间沟壑中水凿之处,皆有植土龛岩,亦此类耳’。 Five-yea
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为探讨硅油填充治疗外伤性视网膜脱离 (retinal detach-ment,RD)的效果和影响因素 ,将我院 1996年 5月至 1999年 6月期间 ,用硅油填充治疗外伤性 RD的临床资料回顾分析如下。
在对低压大流量的溢流阀建立平衡方程及确定设计基本原则的基础上,进行了阀的设计计算及性能分析。 Based on the establishment of the balance equation and the basic de