
来源 :甘肃中医学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:borchifish
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案例1 王某,女,42岁。患者周身皮肤泛发红色丘疹,瘙痒,入夜更甚,搔后疹色鲜红。遇风、寒、热、症状均加重,病约一年,曾服用消风散,当归饮子无效,来我门诊治疗。证属邪在卫分,为营卫不调。予桂枝汤加味:桂枝10克、白芍10克、生草6克、生芪30克、防风10克、炒白术10克、赤芍15克、地肤子12克、白鲜皮15克、蝉衣10克、丹皮10克、栀子10克、蛇衣10克。药进三剂皮肤瘙痒减轻,新疹未出,又进两剂病愈。 案例2 崔某,女,32岁。患者产后15天发热39℃,口渴喜冷饮,面赤斑斑如锦纹,皮肤出现片状之斑疹,疹色鲜红。小溲黄、大便干燥。舌质红、苔 Case 1 Wang, female, 42 years old. The skin of the patient’s whole body was red with pimples and pruritus. It was even worse at night, and her rash was bright red. Cases of wind, cold, heat, symptoms were aggravated, the disease was about one year, had taken Xiaofeng powder, Angelica Yin Zi was invalid, came to my outpatient treatment. The evidence is that the evil is in Weifen and it is not guarded. Guizhi Tang Decoction: Guizhi 10 grams, Angelica 10 grams, raw grass 6 grams, raw medlar 30 grams, wind 10 grams, fried Atractylodes 10 grams, red peony root 15 grams, Kochia scoparia 12 grams, white fresh skin 15 Grams, 10 grams of silk clothing, 10 grams of paeonol, 10 grams of medlar, 10 grams of snake clothing. Three doses of the drug reduced the itching of the skin, the new rash did not appear, and two more were recovered. Case 2 Choi, female, 32 years old. The patient had fever of 39°C 15 days after delivery, and thirsty like cold drinks. The appearance of flaky patches such as brocade, flaky skin patches, and bright red rash. Small yellow, dry stool. Red tongue, moss