这句话是河北省“铁面局 长”和“打黑局长”—— 蠡县公安局长段荣才说 过的。 河北蠡县,自古就是商贾 云集之地。改革开放后,这里又 成为华北地区最大的毛纺、皮 革等物品的集散地。自20世纪 90年代中期起,蠡县的黑恶势 力雇佣打手,巧取豪夺,有组织 地控制了蠡县的交通运输业。 他们欺行霸市,敲诈勒索,无恶 不作,百姓居无宁日,近千家企 业受到黑恶势力的控制和洗 劫。然而,就在段荣才奉调蠡县 公安局长的那天晚上,公安局 居然连值班的都没有,没人,没
This sentence is in Hebei Province, “Iron Man” and “beat the Secretary” - Pixian Public Security Bureau Duan Rongcai said. Hebei Pixian, merchants from ancient times gathered in the land. After the reform and opening up, here has become the largest in North China wool, leather and other items distribution center. Since the mid-1990s, the evil forces in Shexian County have hired thugs and taken drastic measures to systematically control the transport industry in Shexian County. They bully dominate the market, extortion, mischief, the people live peace, nearly a thousand enterprises by the evil forces control and looting. However, just in paragraph Duan Rong Pixian Public Security Bureau chief night, the Public Security Bureau did not even the duty on duty, no one, no