Democracy is a political science concept whose core connotation is equality and concentration of public opinion. Democracy in education is an important milestone in the development of human education. Its important connotation is, firstly, equality in education and realization of the right of everyone to education; secondly, the realization of democracy in educational content; more knowledge and excellent culture suitable for children’s growth become the content of education; in addition, the democracy in education activities promotes The continuous transformation of teaching methods of education, all kinds of effective teaching strategies and methods have been developed. School education is the ultimate place for educational democracy. Therefore, the degree of democracy in school governance and school education is an important indicator of the level of education. A good brand of school must have a good culture of education and democracy. Beijing Beijing source school is a kindergarten to 12 grade basic education schools to promote the all-round development of students for the purpose of running a comprehensive and rich curriculum system, a local brand of schools. The school’s management culture and curriculum culture fully embodies the characteristics of democratic education, forming a unique school