Piles are the main building foundation in permafrost regions. Thawing the permafrost foundation would have a negative effect on a pile, and may cause damage to
Pavement snow and icing are worldwide problems,but effective countermeasures are just beginning to be developed in China.The two most common snow and ice remova
In this paper the theoretical background was analyzed for vibration diagnostics method and experience in its application for weak base embankments. General sche
In order to obtain qualitative and quantitative characteristics of leaf epidermal micromorphology and mesophyll structure to evaluate the responses of Elaeagnus
In seasonally frozen regions, the frost-heave properties of soil play a significant role in its upper-structure performance and durability. To investigate the f
Soil temperatures at 0, 5, 10 and 20 cm depths were monitored continuously at different microhabitats (beneath shrub canopy (BSC); bare intershrub spaces (BIS))