攀枝花钢铁公司是个四万多人的大企业。赵忠玉是这个公司的副经理,主管劳资处、教育处、培训处、卫生处、生活服务公司、集体企业公司、医院、农业办公室、技校、业余中专,等等等等。他还是这个公司的体协主任。从清早一睁开眼,到深夜上床休息,他就在数不清的会议、文件、报表、请示、汇报、要求、扯皮、解决问题、排除纠纷等等等等之中度过。人们惊讶他有如此充沛的精力。他说:“我能吃能睡。”其实,他每天最多睡六个小时,对他说来,这六个小时也就够了,因为他的睡眠“质量高”。今天他怎么失眠了?哦,原来有一些奇怪的数字和奇怪的现象在他的脑子里打架: 不久前,《工人日报》登载第五届全国人大代表的发言摘要,攀钢代表李宝树在发言中提到:攀钢有十八所学校,一万多名学生,但八○年高考竟没
Panzhihua Iron and Steel Company is more than 40,000 large enterprises. Zhao Zhongyu is the deputy manager of this company, in charge of Labor Department, Education Department, Training Department, Health Department, Life Service Company, Collective Enterprise Company, Hospital, Agricultural Office, Technical School, Amateur Technical Secondary School and many more. He is also the body’s director of the company. From opening his eyes early in the morning to resting in the middle of the night, he spent countless meetings, documents, statements, requests, reports, demands, wrangling, problem solving, dispute resolution, and more. People are surprised that he has so much energy. He said: “I can eat and sleep. ” In fact, he sleeps up to six hours a day, to him, these six hours is enough, because of his sleep “high quality ”. How did he lose his sleep today? Well, some strange numbers and strange phenomena turned out to be fighting in his mind. Not long ago, the daily report of Workers Daily contained a summary of speeches made by representatives of the Fifth National People’s Congress. In his speech, the representative of Panzhihua Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. Li Baoshu Mentioned: Panzhihua Iron and Steel has 18 schools, more than 10,000 students, but the college entrance examination in 1990 did not