日光温室冬春茬黄瓜(华北地区),在10月上中旬播种育苗,11月中下旬定植,12月下旬开始采收。由于采用云南黑籽南瓜换根嫁接,生长期长达8个月,黄瓜是多次采收果实的喜温作物,对温度要求较高,而室外则气温变化多端。因此,要根据黄瓜不同生育阶段的温度要求,采取各种措施,把室内温度调节在适宜黄瓜生育的范围内,以获得较高的经济效益。 1.浸种至催芽 (1)黄瓜 宜选用密刺系统优种,先晒种3天,再把种子在清水中浸泡10~20分钟,除去上浮瘪籽,然后用55℃温水浸种15分钟(不断搅拌),再在30℃水中浸泡5~6小时,搓洗去种皮上粘液,包在干净的
Solar greenhouse winter spring cucumbers (North China), in mid-October sow seedlings planted in mid-late November planting, harvesting began in late December. Due to the adoption of Yunnan black-seed pumpkin for root grafting, the growth period is up to 8 months. Cucumber is a thermophilic crop that has repeatedly harvested fruits, which has higher requirements on temperature and outdoor temperature changes. Therefore, according to the different stages of the cucumber temperature requirements, take various measures to adjust the indoor temperature in the range of appropriate cucumber growth in order to obtain higher economic benefits. 1. Soaked to the germination (1) Cucumber should use spike system superior species, the first sun for 3 days, then the seeds soaked in water for 10 to 20 minutes, remove the floating shriveled seeds, and then soaked with 55 ℃ warm water for 15 minutes Stirring), and then soaked in water at 30 ℃ 5 to 6 hours, scrub to the seed mucus, wrapped in clean