
来源 :山东劳动保障 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:george890120
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我省企业养老保险覆盖范围目前已扩展到城镇各类企业职工、个体工商户和灵活就业人员,但从整体情况看,原乡镇、办事处兴办的集体所有制企业(以下简称镇、处办企业)的职工养老保险,尤其是其内部退休的社会统筹外人员(以下简称内退人员)的养老保障仍存在很多问题,主要表现为:目前全省没有统一的规定,各地基本根据当地情况自行确 At present, the coverage of enterprise-endowment insurance in our province has been extended to all types of enterprises, individual industrial and commercial households and flexible employed persons in cities and towns. However, on the whole, the collectively-owned enterprises (hereinafter referred to as the towns and enterprises) The pension insurance for staff and workers, especially the retirement social security personnel (hereinafter referred to as “retreat staff”) in their internal retirement protection still face many problems. The main problems are as follows: At present, there is no uniform regulation in the whole province and the localities basically do not depend on the local conditions
这里位于祖国版图上的鸡冠处,与北极村漠河同纬度,这个地方叫内蒙古北部原始林区。这里没有常电、没有通邮、没有电视和手机信号,与外界连接的只有一条沙石小路。  奇乾森林中队驻守在这个原始林区的腹地,这里方圆百公里没有人烟。冬季有4个月的时间大雪封山,中队就彻底变成林海孤岛。  郭喜是这个中队最老的士兵。十年如一日的在这里战斗。他当过班长、喂过猪、种过地、烧过锅炉、修过发电机,先后荣记二等功1次、三等功