布鲁诺·贝莱佩尔(Bruno Belpaire),原比利时高级 汉学研究所研究员。一九七四年,由他创写的法文译本《世说新 语》(Anthologie chinoise des V et VI siecles:Le Che-chouo-sin-yu)问世。这 是我国古典名著《世说新语》的第一个西方译本(以下简称“贝 译”)。贝氏筚路蓝缕,功不可没,然其译文存在之问题颇多。有鉴 于此,美国著名学者明尼苏达大学东亚系终身教授Richard B.Mather(马瑞志)博士特撰 Review of Bruno Belpaire.tr.Anthologie chinoise des V et VI siecles:Le Che-chouo-sin-yu一文,对贝译加以评 析。马瑞志教授素以其英文译注本《世说新语》(A New Account of Tales of the World,University of Minnesota Press,Minneapolis,1976)驰 誉学林(关于此书,读者可以参看台湾政治大学唐异明先生的评介 文章,见《读书》,一九八六年第二期)。二OO一年十二月七日至十 一日,我在明尼苏达大学东亚系讲学期间,有幸见到这位令人尊
Bruno Belpaire, former researcher at the Institute of Advanced Sinology in Belgium. In 1974, he published the French translation “Anthologie chinoise des V et VI siecles: Le Che-chouo-sin-yu”. This is the first Western translation of the Chinese novel “Shi Shuo Xin Yu” (hereinafter referred to as “Bei Yi”). Bayesian bluff, contributed, but there are many problems with the translation. In view of this, the famous American scholar University of Minnesota East Asia Professor Richard B. Mather Dr. Special Review of Bruno Belpaire. tr. Anthologie chinoise des V et VI siecles: Le Che-chouo-sin-yu, a comment on Bei Yi. Professor Ma Ruizhi is renowned for his translation into English of the Annals of the World (A New Account of Tales of the World, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, 1976) (for this book, readers can refer to Tang Yiming, Taiwan University of Political Science Comment on the article, see “Reading”, 1986 second period). During the lecture on East Asia in the University of Minnesota from December 7 to November 2001, I was fortunate enough to see this respectable