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2012终端产品领跑者制度与节能机制国际研讨会暨第五届国际制冷空调节能环保技术论坛在京举办2012年6月13日,由国家发展改革委资源节约和环境保护司、国家标准化管理委员会工业一部主办,中国标准化研究院和全国节能减排标准化技术联盟承办的“中国节能减排标准化论坛—2012终端产品领跑者制度与节能机制国际研讨会暨第五届国际制冷空调节能环保技术论坛”在京召开。此次论坛作为2012年全国节能宣传周的主要活动之一,围绕“节能环保”热点,针对领跑者制度、节能激励机制,制冷空调领域的政策进程、标准和节能环保技术趋势等共性问题进行了探讨交流,实现了制冷空调领域节能环 2012 International Seminar on Top System and Energy Saving Mechanism for Terminal Products and the Fifth International Forum on Energy Efficiency and Environment Protection for Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Held in Beijing On June 13, 2012, the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), Department of Resource Conservation and Environmental Protection, and National Standardization Management Committee Ministry sponsored by China National Institute of Standardization and the National Standardization Alliance for Energy Conservation and emission reduction Undertake the “China Energy Conservation Emission Reduction Standardization Forum -2012 Terminal Product Leadership System and International Conference on energy saving mechanism and the Fifth International Refrigeration Air Conditioning Energy Saving and Environmental Protection Technology Forum ”Held in Beijing. As one of the major activities of the 2012 National Energy Conservation Propaganda Week, this forum focused on common issues such as the “energy conservation and environmental protection” hotspot, the frontline system, energy conservation incentive mechanism, policy process and standards in the field of refrigeration and air conditioning and energy conservation and environmental protection technology trends Conducted discussions and exchanges, to achieve the field of energy-saving refrigeration and air conditioning ring
四边形尤其是特殊的四边形是初中阶段重要的基本图形,其性质与判定的综合应用为证明线段或角的关系提供了丰富的途径.但各种特殊四边形之间的关系错综复雜,其与三角形的相关知识又密不可分,所以同学们在遇到四边形的相关问题时常常会手忙脚乱,出现错误也在所难免.本文旨在帮助同学们对四边形有关的知识进行“纠错”,相信你认真读完一定会受益匪浅.  一、基本定理认识不清  例1 下列命题中正确的有 (填序号).  ①