教师传授给学生的知识是有限的,但学生的自学能力会给他们一生都带来无限的益处。培养学生自学英语的能力,我认为要抓好以下几方面: 一、首先要培养学生开口说英语的习惯 听说是学习英语的第一步。要学生开口说英语,教师不仅要和蔼可亲,自然大方,使孩子们在你面前无拘束,而且在说英语,在朗读英语时的语音、语调、节奏、速度、表情等方面都要给学生一种美感,使他们觉得英语是一种很美的语言,在模仿中能得到美的享受。
Teachers’ knowledge imparted to students is limited, but students’ self-learning ability will bring infinite benefits to them throughout their lives. To develop students’ ability to learn English by themselves, I think we must do a good job in the following aspects: First, we must first cultivate the students’ habit of speaking and speaking English. Listening and speaking is the first step in learning English. When students are required to speak English, teachers must not only be affable and natural, they should be comfortable with the children, and they should be able to speak English and speak English. They should give students a voice, intonation, rhythm, speed, expression, etc. when reading English. The sense of beauty makes them feel that English is a beautiful language and can enjoy beauty in imitation.