印第安人本是美洲大陆的主人,有着丰富的口头文学和神话传说。几个世纪来,他们虽然备受摧残,但始终热爱并保持自己的文化传统和生活方式,没有屈服也没有沉默。这里译介的当代美国印第安人的诗歌选自《虹之歌》(Voices of Rainbow,1975)。从这些作品中,我们可以看到印第安人对土地的眷恋,对所受不公正待遇的抗议,对大自然的爱好,对自由和友谊的歌颂,对自己种族的自豪,对光明未来的憧憬。诗歌的作者大多是受过大学教育的中年人或青年人,诗中运用了印第安人的古老传说和特有形象,风格比较朴实清新。
Native Americans are the masters of the Americas and have abundant oral literature and myths and legends. For centuries, though they have been devastated, they have always loved and maintained their own cultural traditions and lifestyles without giving in and without silence. The contemporary American Indian poetry translated here is from Voices of Rainbow (1975). From these works, we can see Indians’ attachment to the land, their protest against unfair treatment, their love for nature, their praise of freedom and friendship, their pride in their race and their longing for a bright future. Most of the poetic writers are middle-aged or young people with university education. The poem uses the ancient legend and unique image of Indians, and the style is simple and fresh.