多柔比星(ADM,阿霉素)是1969年从链霉Str.peucetius var.caesius培养基中分离的抗癌药。注射时药物宜用5%葡萄糖或O.9%氯化钠注射液稀释,不宜用蒸馏水,静滴浓度2 mg·ml-1,应于8h内用完。混合后可发生配伍禁忌的药物有:氨茶碱,头孢噻吩,氢化可的松,地塞米松,氟尿嘧啶及肝素。由于ADM的心脏毒性明显,探讨有效的防护心脏的药物十分必要。
Doxorubicin (ADM, Adriamycin) was isolated from Streptomyces strpepestius var. Anti-cancer drug isolated from caesius medium. Injection of drugs should be used 5% glucose or O. 9% sodium chloride injection dilution should not be distilled water, intravenous infusion concentration 2 mg · ml-1, should be used within 8h. Drugs that may cause incompatibility after mixing include aminophylline, cefalotin, hydrocortisone, dexamethasone, fluorouracil, and heparin. Due to the obvious cardiotoxicity of ADM, it is necessary to explore effective cardiac protection drugs.