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中国古代类书具备“兼收四部”、泛观博取的性质,“皇王部”(或帝王部)也是类书编纂中的一个重要构成。作为北宋初年官修类书的代表性作品,《太平御览》包含的“皇王部”四十一卷,在一定程度上反映了宋人对君主和君权的认识。《太平御览》“皇王部”的编纂,无论是材料的选择辑录中所体现的严谨,还是编目与编次所反映的正统观念,都与北宋初期类书的转型有密切关系,同时也体现了这一时期帝王观的内涵。 Ancient Chinese class books have “four”, “the nature of pan-access,” “royal” (or imperial) is also an important compilation of classics composition. As a representative work of the official class in the early years of the Northern Song Dynasty, the forty-one volumes contained in The Taiping Royal Palace reflect to a certain extent the Song people’s understanding of the monarchy and the monarchy. The compilation of “Taiping Yu Lan” and “Huang Wang Bu” is closely related to the transformation of the early books in the Northern Song Dynasty, both in material selection and rigor in cataloging and in orthography as reflected in cataloging and editing. Meanwhile, Also reflects the connotation of the concept of emperor during this period.
“维斯比”级是瑞典考库姆公司为瑞典海军研制的一款多功能隐身轻型护卫舰,主要用于濒海地区的反水雷战、反潜战、布雷、水面作战。该级舰长72米,宽10.4米,吃水2.5米,满载排水量620吨。武备包括8枚RBS-15MK2/3型反舰导弹、1门博福斯公司SAK MK3型57毫米炮、4具400毫米43/45型反潜鱼雷发射管和601型127毫米深弹发射炮。舰上还将配备一架直升机。