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中世纪阿拉伯著名历史学家伊本·赫勒顿在他的《历史绪论》中说:“阿拉伯人天性近于文化,能从所交往的民族吸取益处。”中世纪伊斯兰文化,尤其是穆斯林哲学、自然科学等方面的学术活动,就是通过大量的翻译媒介,受着浓郁的希腊、罗马思想的推动,并在波斯、印度伦理、宗教观念影响下产生并发展起来的。 In his History Introduction, Ibn Khaldunk, a well-known medieval Arab historian, said: “Arabs are close to culture and can benefit from the nations they deal with.” Medieval Islamic culture, especially Muslim philosophy , Natural sciences and other academic activities, is through a large number of translation media, driven by the rich Greek, Roman ideas, and Persian, Indian ethics, religion under the influence of the concept of development and development.