
来源 :当代电视 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Zoeyha
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近两年来,中国网络自制剧创作呈现出鲜明的“猎奇”审美特征。据最新资料显示,在2016年总播放量前25位的网络自制剧中,盗墓考古、玄幻仙侠、穿越、灵异、心理探索及悬疑推理等带有猎奇元素的题材剧播放量总和约占总播放量的40%。这些取材新颖独特、叙事另类大胆的“猎奇”网剧迎合了大众越来越难以被传统电视剧类型满足的口味,从积极意义上看不失为互联网语境下电视剧创作本体的拓展。然而也需要看到,在这一蓬勃的“猎 In the past two years, the creation of self-made Chinese online games has shown a distinctive ”curiosity“ aesthetic characteristics. According to the latest statistics, in the top 25 online home-made plays of the total number of broadcasts in 2016, the total number of plays with curious elements such as Tomb Archeology, Fantasy Xian Xia, Crossing, Supernatural, Psychological Exploration and Suspense Reasoning accounts for about Play volume of 40%. These novelty unique, narrative alternative bold ”curiosity “ net play cater to the public more and more difficult to be satisfied with the traditional type of TV series tastes, in the positive sense, after all, ontology of television drama under the expansion of the body. However, it is also necessary to see that in this thriving ”hunting."
<正> 国庆节的前一天,在皖南屯溪,得知朱老先生过世的消息,很是突然。因不久前还与先生的家人联系,告知先生状况还好!我还想有时间去北京看望先生,想请先生写点什么,万万没想