矾山磷矿位于河北省张家口市涿鹿县矾山镇境内。地处塞外,冬季严寒,夏季清凉,原是一个“四周高山光秃秃,天上无飞鸟,地上不长草,风吹黄沙遍地跑”的荒漠。 自1988年4月开始建矿以来,历经九个寒暑,如今已建成高楼林立、街道纵横、亭台楼阁、雕塑、喷泉,错落有致、绿树成荫、草坪如茵、繁花似锦、鸟语花香的花园式矿山。 矿区内在迎风地带营造了一条宽45米、长300米的绿化带,并配以弯曲的小径和凉亭,既防治了风沙,净化了空气,改善了环境,又给职工提供了消闲场所。在花开季节,漫步在林荫道上,不同的地段可欣赏不同种类的鲜
Fanshan phosphate rock is located in the town of Zhuo Lu County, Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province. Located outside the plug, the winter cold, cool summer, was originally a “alpine around the bare, no birds in the sky, the ground is not long grass, wind and yellow sand everywhere run” desert. Since the beginning of construction in April 1988, after nine years of cold and heat, high-rise buildings, vertical and horizontal streets, pavilions, sculptures, fountains, patchwork, tree-lined trees, lawns, flowers, flowers and birds Garden mines. In the windward zone, a green belt 45 meters wide and 300 meters long is constructed in the mine area. Coupled with curved trails and pavilions, it not only controls sandstorms, purifies the air, improves the environment but also provides leisure facilities for staff and workers. In the bloom season, walking in the boulevard, different sections can enjoy different kinds of fresh