星途灿烂 满目芳菲——喜看曲艺家叶幼琪演唱会

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一台开戏曲艺术与电视晚会联姻先河的《星途灿烂叶幼琪演唱会》,去年底在南方剧院揭开美妙面纱。美仑美奂的灯光、舞台装置,极尽视听之娱,古典、现代美兼备的节目,多彩多姿的大型伴舞,令人悦目赏心,恍如置身于姹紫嫣红的庭园,赞叹“春色如许”。步入南方剧院,顿感旧颜换了新貌,予人耳目一新。广东电视台《粤韵风华》栏目,斥资20多万,将舞台升高20公分,拆除原有音乐池和四行前座,设置一条便于与观众交流的通道,两旁伴有桃花、流水。舞台两侧有八条宫殿式华贵圆柱,舞台分三个表演区,予人以纵深感,变幻无穷的灯光,令天幕七彩斑斑,景随情显。一流的音响效果,使演员声情高而不尖,低而不沉。广东电视台从演播大厅跳出来,走向观众,同欢同乐,其匠心独运于此可见。星腔佳人,曲艺唱家叶幼琪的细腻、传神、多变的出色技艺与全新舞台浑成一体,相得益彰,让入从中再一次感悟到叶幼琪对艺术的执着、追求。 A drama art and TV evening marriage precedent “Star Way Splendid Yeh Kyok Ki Concert”, opened the southern theater late last year, a wonderful veil. Fantastic lighting, stage equipment, the best audio-visual entertainment, classical, modern beauty both the show, colorful large dancer, it is pleasing to the eye, as if exposure to the colorful garden, praise “. Step into the South Theater, a sense of the old Yan changed appearance, refreshing. Guangdong TV ”Yue Yun Fenghua" section, spend more than 20 million, the stage elevation of 20 cm, dismantling the original music pool and four rows of the front seat, set up an easy channel for communication with the audience, accompanied by peach blossom on both sides, running water. On both sides of the stage there are eight palace-style luxury cylinder, the stage is divided into three performance areas, to give people a sense of depth, endless light, so that the sky is colorful, with King significant. First-class sound effects, so that the actor is high and not sharp, low and not heavy. Guangdong TV station jumped out from the studio, to the audience, with the joy, its originality in this visible. Ye Xiaocai, folk singer Ye Youqi’s exquisite, vivid, changeable and outstanding skills muddy into one with the new stage, complement each other, so that once again come to realize Ye Xiaoci’s dedication to art, the pursuit.
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