
来源 :职业卫生与应急救援 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:R845451732
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当今社会,人们的健康意识逐步增强,职业健康体检也越来越引起人们的重视。胸部X线检查是职业健康体检的必检项目,可以观察心肺膈的情况,尤其对于肺结核的诊断和肺部肿瘤的早期发现,有其独特的优越性。传统的胸部透视阳性检出率极低,辐射剂量也大,已经受到社会的广泛关注。胸部高仟伏X线摄影因操作繁琐,暗室洗片,不适用于人数多的职业健康体检。DR胸部X线摄影因其操作简便,图像清晰,目前正越来越多的用于职业健康体检。 Today’s society, people’s health awareness gradually increased, occupational health examination has drawn increasing attention. Chest X-ray examination is a must-check items of occupational health examination, you can observe the situation of the heart and lungs diaphragm, especially for the diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis and early detection of lung tumors, has its unique advantages. Traditional chest X-ray detection rate is extremely low, the radiation dose is also large, has been widespread concern in the community. High chest X-ray X-ray photography for cumbersome operation, darkroom film, not suitable for a large number of occupational health examination. DR chest X-ray photography for its ease of operation, clear images, is now more and more used for occupational health examination.