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对相机综合管理单元进行大量的测试是航天光学相机研制过程中的重要环节,传统的测试系统功能单一且无法模拟航天相机在轨飞行整个工作流程。本文以实际型号测试角度出发,提出了以DSP硬件和遥测遥控VC软件为基础构建新型航天光学相机模拟在轨飞行测试平台的设计方法,说明了该平台硬件组成和工作原理的同时,给出了关键软件参考代码。结合某型号航天相机的具体测试,表明该平台可模拟相机综合管理单元在轨飞行任意时刻的数据流并记录测试过程遥测参数,能够验证相机综合管理单元的功能和性能,达到了航天相机地面测试的目的,具有广泛实际工程应用价值。 Extensive testing of the camera integrated management unit is an important part in the development of the aerospace optical camera. The traditional testing system has single function and can not simulate the entire working process of the space camera in orbit. In this paper, the actual model test point of view, the proposed DSP hardware and telemetry remote control VC software as the basis for the construction of a new type of aerospace optical camera simulation in-orbit flight test platform design method, illustrates the platform hardware components and working principle is given Key software reference code. Combining the specific test of a space camera, it shows that the platform can simulate the data flow of the camera integrated unit at any time in orbit and record the testing process telemetry parameters, which can verify the function and performance of the camera integrated management unit and reach the space camera ground test The purpose, with a wide range of practical engineering value.
1935年秋,紅四方面军进入草地,老班长带着我们三个重病号走走歇歇。饥饿威胁着我们,老班长到处找野菜,挖草根,还自制鱼钩钓到了鱼。之后我们总能喝到鲜鱼野菜汤,他却嚼草根,吃鱼骨头,说自己是上级、保姆、勤务员,无论多苦,都要带我们走出草地。我们又感动又过意不去,却不得不听从他的命令,大口喝鱼汤。  接近草地边了,我们的病越来越重,老班长一直用饱满的情绪鼓励我们。一天他去找水塘钓鱼,过了好久还没回来。
<正> 以前的物理教学侧重理论而轻视应用,学生在学习物理时感到非常抽象。近年来越来越重视物理知识在生活实际中的应用,笔者在教学中也做了一些尝试。 [例1]一质量为m=20kg