
来源 :中国道教 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yejunlan
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大足道教石刻,是宋代道教文化艺术的杰出代表之一,涌现出南山、石门山、舒成岩、石篆山等代表性石窟点。在大足道教石刻中,可以领略到道教艺术自身创新的独特魅力,丹凤眼与美须髯这些人物面部局部特点,就是其中具有代表性的一例。道教艺术在经历漫长发展之后,至两宋时期逐渐臻于成熟,以宋代造像为主的大足道教石刻,可谓宋代道教文化艺术的杰出代表之一,涌现出南山、石门山、 Dazu Taoist Taoist Taoist culture and art of Song Dynasty is one of the outstanding representatives of the emergence of Nanshan, Shimen Hill, Shu into rock, Shizhaoshan and other representative cave sites. Among the Taoist inscriptions in Dazu, one can appreciate the unique charm of Taoist art in its own innovation, and the local facial features of the Dan Fengye and the United States whispers are one of the representative examples. After long development, Taoist art gradually matures until the Song Dynasty. The Dazu Taoist stone inscribed in the Song Dynasty is one of the outstanding representatives of Taoist culture and art in the Song Dynasty. Nanshan, Shimen Hill,