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改革开放给我国新闻摄影事业带来了生机与繁荣。作为不受语言文字限制而又形象逼真的摄影作品,尤其是对外摄影报道,已成为我们向世界各国各地区宣传祖国悠久历史、灿烂文化、大好河山、“四化”建设、人民生活等一种重要媒介,对促进我国对外友好交往、经济技术发展和文化交流,为中国走向世界,让世界了解中国,发挥了积极作用。如何使我们的对外摄影报道为国外读者所接受,达到好的宣传效果?下面是我多年从事这一工作的体会,也是想和同行一起讨论的几个问题: The reform and opening up brought vitality and prosperity to the cause of China’s news photography. As a photographic work that is free from language restrictions and lifelikeness, especially foreign photographic coverage, it has become one of the most important ways for us to publicize the long history, splendid culture, magnificent rivers and mountains, the building of the “four modernizations” and people’s lives in various regions of the world Important media. It has played an active role in promoting China’s friendly exchanges with foreign countries, economic and technological development and cultural exchanges, as well as in helping China move toward the world and make the world understand China. How to make our foreign photographic reports accepted by foreign readers, to achieve good publicity effect? ​​The following is my experience in this work for many years, but also want to discuss with colleagues several issues:
研究了可在室温下工作,且具有Pt/LaF_3敏感膜的MIS型固态氧传感器,讨论了它的敏感机理,测试并分析了传感器的响应特性. The MIS solid oxygen sensor, which can be operate