为保证鲁尔煤炭公司长期生产计划的顺利进行,瓦尔苏姆矿就不得不向此发展。鉴于水平开采的大规模扩展,十分必要开凿一口辅助风井。此外,由于该立井位于今后的重点采区,它还可以大大地缩短目前长达7公里的运输距离。 为寻求井筒的最佳设计方案,根据大量的调查资料,在立井周围进行了地震测量,布置4个800~1360米的勘探钻孔,弗尔登立井刚好位于瓦尔苏姆井田北部的地质构造图内,构成瓦尔苏姆矿主要边界的断层是西部的艾维尔断层和东部的施韦尔根断层。
In order to ensure the smooth progress of the long-term production plan of Ruhr Coal Company, Walsum Mine had to develop to this. In view of the large-scale expansion of horizontal mining, it is necessary to drill a secondary air shaft. In addition, as the shaft is located in a key mining area in the future, it can also greatly reduce the current distance of up to 7 km. In an effort to find the best design for the wellbore, seismic surveys were conducted around the shaft based on extensive surveys and four exploration drill holes between 800 and 1360 m were arranged. The Verdenglong well was located just north of the Walsum minefield The faults that form the main boundary of the Walsum mine are the Avwell fault in the west and the Schwergen fault in the east.