By examining the acoustic impedance of 30 patients with cleft palate, the authors analyzed the distributions of the tympanic function curve of 59 Jerk and the acoustic reflection of the stapedius muscle. It was found that the type B curve reflecting middle ear lesions in patients with cleft palate accounted for 59.3% Curve accounted for 6.8%, As-type curve was 10%, Ad-type curve was 6.8%, A-type curve reflects the normal middle ear function only 16.9%, the results show that the incidence of middle ear disease in patients with cleft palate In normal people. The incidence of 6-year-old was higher than that of 6-year-old (PG <0.05), but the distribution of Jerger's tympanic curve was not related to the type of cleft palate. In addition, only 23.6% of patients can lead to the acoustic emission of the stapedius muscle, 76.4% of the patients with stapedius acoustic reflex negative, indicating that there are a considerable number of cleft palate patients with varying degrees of acoustic deafness.