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工会作为党联系职工群众的桥梁和纽带,肩负着维护职工合法权益,动员和组织职工积极参加建设和改革,参与国家和社会事务管理、民主管理,教育职工不断提高思想道德素质和科学文化素质,建设“四有”职工队伍的重任。本文联系实际,提出基层工会在新的历史条件下,应着力在服务单位中心工作、确保工会维护职能、构建和谐文化建设、增强工会组织的影响力等四个方面下功夫,通过开展技能比赛、精神文明创建、送温暖、职工座谈会和业余文化活动等,想职工之所想、急职工之所急、解职工之所忧,切实维护职工的合法权益,为职工办好事、办实事。并努力提高工会干部素质,增强工会组织影响力,把工会打造成党组织放心、行政满意、职工群众信赖的“职工之家”。 As a bridge and link between the party and its staff and workers, the trade unions shoulder the responsibility of safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of staff and workers, mobilizing and organizing staff and workers to actively participate in the construction and reform, participating in state and social affairs management and democratic management, educating their staff and workers to continuously improve their ideological and moral qualities and scientific and cultural qualities, Construction “Four Have ” “Workforce” responsibility. This article is based on the actual situation and proposes that under the new historical conditions, the grassroots unions should make efforts in four areas: service center work, ensuring the maintenance of trade unions, building a harmonious culture and enhancing the influence of trade unions. Through skill competitions, To create a spiritual civilization, to send warmth, staff forums and amateur cultural activities, think the workers think about the urgency of workers anxious solution to worries, and earnestly safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of workers and staff, good things for the staff and do practical things. And strive to improve the quality of trade union cadres, enhance the influence of the trade union organizations, and build the trade unions into a “home of workers and staff members” trusted by the party organizations, satisfied with the administration and trusted by the workers and staff.
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