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多谋善断是领导者必备的基本素质,能参善谋则是机关干部的职责要求。从当前形势看,要提高机关干部的谋略水平,为党委首长出高策,应特别重视锻炼培养其深谋远虑的能力,努力提高其理性思维、宏观思维和辩证思维能力。 一是提高理性思维能力。恩格斯说:“没有理论思维,就会连两件自然的事实也联系不起来,或者连二者之间所存在的联系都无法了解。”理性思维能力,是指认识事物本质和规律的能力。具备理性思维能力,是一名机关干部成熟的重要标志。提高理性思维能力,首先要善于从政治上观察分析问题。党委领导的首要职责,是对部队实施坚强有力的思想政治领导,保证部队坚持正确的政治方向。因此,机关干部为党委首长当好参谋,第一位的是要在落实江总书记讲政治的 To be conscientious and good at ruining is a necessary basic quality of the leader. Judging from the current situation, it is necessary to raise the level of the strategy of organs and cadres and give top priority to party leaders. We should pay special attention to training our ability to cultivate their foresight and foresight, and strive to improve their rational thinking, macroscopic thinking and dialectical thinking ability. First, improve the ability of rational thinking. Engels said: “Without theoretical thinking, we can not even connect two natural facts, or even the linkages between the two can not understand.” Rational thinking ability refers to the ability to recognize the nature and laws of things. Have the ability of rational thinking, is an important indicator of the maturity of the organ cadres. To improve the ability of rational thinking, we must first be good at observing and analyzing political issues. The primary responsibility of party leaders is to exercise strong and effective ideological and political leadership over the army and ensure that the military insists on the correct political direction. Therefore, organs and cadres are good chiefs of party committee leaders. The first is to implement General Secretary Jiang’s political
反对降价派 上海大众:“在2002年10月份以前,如果上汽大众宣布降价,厂商承诺决不让现在买进桑塔纳或帕萨特的消费者吃亏!” “面对国内轿车市场价格混乱、消费者持币观望气氛
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