前哨淋巴结 (sentinellymphnode ,SLN)的概念最早由Cabanas于 1977年在研究阴茎癌时提出的 ,是指接受原发肿瘤淋巴引流的一个或数个淋巴结。在 1992年Morton等首先将SLN应用于皮肤黑色素瘤治疗中并成功。 1993年Krag率先将SLN引入乳腺癌的外科治疗中 ,开创了乳腺癌SLN检测的先?
Sentinel lymph node (sentinellymphnode, SLN) concept was originally developed by Cabanas in 1977 when penile cancer, refers to the lymph node of the primary tumor to drain one or several lymph nodes. In 1992, Morton et al. First applied SLN to skin melanoma therapy and succeeded. In 1993, Krag introduced SLN into the surgical treatment of breast cancer and pioneered the detection of SLN in breast cancer.