两千多年以前,孔老二这个顽固维护奴隶制度的家伙,叫嚷什么“生而知之”,把自己打扮成“圣人”。两千多年以后,林彪这个资产阶级野心家、阴谋家,学着孔老二的腔调,散布什么“天才论”,把自己比做“天马”。孔老二、林彪都是不折不扣的唯心论的先验论的吹鼓手,是妄想复辟的反动派。 人的知识和才能是哪里来的呢?我们礼贤公社广大群众进行虫情预测预报工作的事实,有力地说明:人的知识和才能是一点也不能离开社会实践的,“天才
More than two thousand years ago, Dr. Kong, a stubborn guy who maintained slavery, exclaimed what “born” and dressed himself as a “saint. Two thousand years later, Lin Biao, the bourgeois careerist and conspirator, learned the tone of the second eldest son and disseminated ”genius theory,“ comparing himself with ”Pegasus.“ The second and second members of Kong Kung and Lin Piao are all true drummers of the a priori theory of idealism and are the reactionaries who delusional restoration. Where does human knowledge and talent come from? The fact that we in the Rye-Yin Commune, a large number of people who carry out the work of forecasting and forecasting insect infestation, is a powerful illustration that human knowledge and talent are not at all divorced from social practice. ”The genius