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随着计算机的广泛应用及网络技术的日益完善, 以网络为基础的电子商务正在全球范围内迅猛发展。电子商务的发展,不仅给企业经营管理带来巨大冲击,同时也使会计核算和财务管理的内外环境发生了巨大变化,传统会计内部核算、控制机制和手段已难以适应互联网环境。为适应环境的变化,更好地利用网络带来的优势,网络会计应运而生,形成会计理论的新领域——网络会计。 With the widespread application of computers and the improvement of network technology, web-based e-commerce is rapidly developing worldwide. The development of e-commerce not only brings tremendous impact on the operation and management of enterprises, but also greatly changes the internal and external environment of accounting and financial management. The internal accounting and control mechanisms and means of traditional accounting have been difficult to adapt to the Internet environment. In order to adapt to the changes of the environment and make better use of the advantages brought by the network, network accounting came into being, forming a new field of accounting theory - network accounting.
2004年初,王东投入十万元开了一家快餐店。结果四个月后,就不得不将快餐店转让。四个月的创业,整整赔了十多万元。   事隔一年多了,王东还是无法从失败的阴影中走出来。直到今天,王东仍然不明白为何自己选对了创业方向但最终还是以失败收场。    主观臆断,选对商机     2004年王东从位于廊坊的东方大学城毕业了,毕业后王东一直在寻找项目,打算自己创业。一次聚会中,某同学的这句话点醒了王东:“食堂里