最新经济统计表明,我国固定资产投资大幅回落,部分行业投资过热势头得到有效遏制,宏观调控已经取得明显成效,但正如7月14日的国务院常务会议所言,决不能因此而盲目乐观。除了宏观调控的实际效果有待继续观察外,必须看到,迄今为止,我国经济运行中的深层问题,特别是经济粗放增长问题并没有得到解决,转变经济增长方式任重道远。 法国《新观察家》周刊最近刊登文章称,中国经济取得了惊人的增长,但这种成就是以资源和资金的巨大浪费为代价的。这一判断显然是有根据的。2003年,我国经济总量约占世
The latest economic statistics show that the investment in fixed assets in our country has dropped sharply, the overheated investment in some industries has been effectively checked, and the macro-control has achieved remarkable results. However, as the State Council executive meeting held on July 14 said, we must not be blindly optimistic. Apart from the fact that the actual effect of macroeconomic regulation and control remains to be observed, we must realize that so far, the deep-seated problems in our economic operation, especially the issue of extensive economic growth, have not yet been solved. There is still a long way to go in transforming the pattern of economic growth. A recent article by the French “New Observer” magazine said that China’s economy has achieved remarkable growth, but this achievement has come at the expense of a huge waste of resources and capital. This judgment is obviously based on. In 2003, China’s total economic output accounted for the world