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1雪还在下着。这场大雪从腊月十五就开始下了,原以为两三天就会停的,谁知道一直下到了年跟前。在杨宝坠的记忆中,就没有下过这么久的雪,过去下雪一般是两三天,至多也就四五天,从来没有超过十天半月的;尤其是近年来,冬天下雪非常稀少,有时一个冬天竟没下过一场雪。杨宝坠种了一辈子庄稼,他自然知道冬天不下雪不好,病虫害杀不死不说,土壤也没有墒情。可是雪下久了,就成了灾害。这场雪由于下得持久,所有的出路都被封冻了。外面的物资运不进来,结 1 snow is still under. The snow started from the twelfth lunar month fifteen, the original thought that two or three days will stop, who knows has been down until the year. In the memory of Yang Baojian, there is no such snow for so long. In the past, snow usually lasted for two or three days, at most four or five days, and never more than ten days and a half. Especially in recent years, Rarely, sometimes a winter did not have a snow. Yang Bao perennial crops, he naturally does not know the winter does not snow, pests and diseases do not kill, said soil moisture is not. But after a long time of snow, it became a disaster. As the snow lasts long, all the way is frozen. Out of the material shipped in, knot
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“为你我付出半年的积蓄,漂洋过海地来看你……”熟悉的旋律将我从睡梦中吵醒,没想到在我与杰分手1年后,他会打电话给我。  “我回来了。”接下来只有沉默,我默默地挂了电话。  爱的过往  “杰,我穿这裙子好看吗?”  “好看,我家田田穿什么都好看!”  “杰,你做的水煮鱼太好吃了!”  “你要是爱吃,我天天做给你吃。”  我和杰之间发生的过往就像电影一样在我脑海中一幕幕闪过。  “杰,你可不可以不要走
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【C和弦】  考完最后一堂英语,林溪走出教室,书包随便往肩上一甩,就冲向了停车场。  少年飞快地踩着单车,风将衬衫吹得鼓鼓的,身后是一片盛大瑰丽的落日。  骑到家楼下后,林溪把自行车胡乱一锁,就噔噔噔地蹿上了楼。林妈妈正坐在沙发上看电视,风扇嗡嗡嗡地转着,燥热的空气流动得缓慢,茶几上是切好的西瓜。  “考完了啊,明儿就放假了吧?看你满头的汗,快来吃西瓜。”林妈妈温柔慈爱地看着个头已经比自己高出很多