2003年,美国约翰·霍普金斯大学社会学系教授贝弗里·西尔弗(Beverly J.Silver)的《劳工的力量:1870年以来的工人运动与全球化》一书出版。作者以她扎实的理论功底,和纵横历史的国际视野,使这本著作经历了时间的检验,成为劳工研究领域的必读书目。对当代世界历史的新奇之处如何进行判断,将决定我们如何评判劳工运动的未来。那些认为劳工运动或将终结的人,往往认为当下这一时期是全新、史无前例的,
In 2003, Beverly J. Silver, a professor of sociology at Johns Hopkins University in the United States, published “Labor Force: Workers’ Movement and Globalization Since 1870”. With her solid theoretical foundation and the international perspective of vertical and horizontal history, the author has made this book go through the test of time and become a must-read book in the field of labor studies. Judging the novelty of the history of the contemporary world will determine how we judge the future of the labor movement. Those who think that the labor movement is coming to an end often consider the present period as a whole new and unprecedented,