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唐女郎魚玄機的詩歌至少在五代時已集結行世,約刻於南宋中晚期的臨安陳氏書棚本《唐女郎魚玄機詩》是至今保存下來的惟一宋刻本。在書棚本之前,當有一個與之差異較大的本子,這個本子部分地爲《唐人萬首絕句》和《才調集》保存了下來,但錯訛尤多。明清及民國的刻本或影印本都是據書棚本或書棚本的臨寫本而來。諸本中,以書棚本爲最佳,流行最廣。其仿刻本中,以清沈恕、沈慈刻本,江標刻本最爲逼真。明本改竄最甚,然也有可取之處,如所補缺字,就爲他本所不及。《全唐詩》本雖有訛誤,然又是收録詩篇最全的本子。葉德輝仿刻本還將諸家題跋和印章以宋體字迻録。當代整理本有兩種,但在利用底本或校本上都有缺憾。故對其版本的源流梳理和優劣比勘,對校注《魚集》都有重要的參考價值。 Tang girl Yu Xuanji’s poetry at least in the Five Dynasties has been assembled in the world, about Engraved in the late Southern Song Dynasty Lin’an Chen shed “The Tang girl Yu Xuanji poem” is the only song preserved so far. Before the book shed, when there was a book with a big difference, this book was partly preserved for “Tang Dynasty Wan Jue Sentences” and “Talent Collection”, but the mistakes were much. The Ming and Qing dynasties and the Republic of China engraved or photocopied books are based on the shed or script this book from the Pro. In this book, book shed this is the best, the most popular. The imitation of this book, with Qing Shen Shu, Shen Ci carved, Jiang Wen engraved most realistic. The most change this channeling the most changed, but there are merit, as the missing word, as he never mind. Although there is corruption in the whole Tang poetry, it is also the most complete book of poetry. Ye Dehui Imitation engraving of all the inscriptions and seals will be recorded in the Song character. There are two kinds of contemporary finishing, but there are shortcomings in the use of the basic or school-based. Therefore, the source of its version of combing and merits than the survey, the school notes “fish set” has an important reference value.