Geometrical representation of coherent tunneling process in two-waveguide and three-waveguide couple

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ccbone
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We propose an identical geometrical representation scheme for both Landau–Zener(LZ) tunneling process in twowaveguide coupler with a cubically bent structure and stimulated Raman adiabatic passage(STIRAP) in three-waveguide coupler, similar to the geometrical representation of sum frequency process. The results show that although the twowaveguide coupler with a cubically bent axis has not aperiodic structure, it acts as a chirped quasi-phase-matching(QPM)grating and corrects the relative phase between the two supermodes in the curved coupler system. We present a scheme about how to choose the parameters to design the curved beam splitter. We propose an identical geometrical representation scheme for both Landau-Zener (LZ) tunneling process in twowaveguide coupler with a cubically bent structure and stimulated Raman adiabatic passage (STIRAP) in three-waveguide coupler, similar to the geometrical representation of sum frequency process. results show that although the twowaveguide coupler with a cubically bent axis has not aperiodic structure, it acts as a chirped quasi-phase-matching (QPM) grating and corrects the relative phase between the two supermodes in the curved coupler system. We present a scheme about how to choose the parameters to design the curved beam splitter.
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