三毛导语 :小二爷爷去世了 ,小二显得很伤心 ,几天没上网。这天他来了 ,对我说 ,他爷爷是带着微笑去世的 ,他的死是幸福的。我不明白。小二说 ,因为爷爷自死都认为他是村上唯一见过电子信箱的人。我更糊涂了。原来 ,小二爷爷有个外甥女 ,前几年出国到法兰西。年前给表哥小二来
Sanmai language: sophomore grandfather passed away, sophomore looked very sad, a few days without Internet. He came today and told me that his grandpa had died with a smile, and his death was blissful. I do not understand. The second child said that since Grandpa died he thought he was the only person in Murakami who had ever seen an e-mail. I am more confused. It turned out that Grandpa had a niece, a few years ago to go abroad to France. Years ago to cousin II