Light therapy: a new option for neurodegenerative diseases

来源 :中华医学杂志英文版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lollipop7919
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Given the increasing incidence of neurodegenerative disease (ND), recent research efforts have intensified the search for curative treatments. Despite significant research, however, existing therapeutic options for ND can only slow down the progression of the disease, but not provide a cure. Light therapy (LT) has been used to treat some mental and sleep disorders. This review illustrates recent studies of the use of LT in patients with ND and highlights its potential for clinical applications. The literature was collected from PubMed through June 2020. Selected studies were primarily English articles or articles that could be obtained with English abstracts and Chinese main text. Articles were not limited by type. Additional potential publications were also identified from the bibliographies of identified articles and the authors’ reference libraries. The identified literature suggests that LT is a safe and convenient physical method of treatment. It may alleviate sleep disorders, depression, cognitive function, and other clinical symptoms. However, some studies have reported limited or no effects. Therefore, LT represents an attractive therapeutic approach for further investigation in ND. LT is an effective physical form of therapy and a new direction for research into treatments for ND. However, it requires further animal experiments to elucidate mechanisms of action and large, double-blind, randomized, and controlled trials to explore true efficacy in patients with ND.“,”Given the increasing incidence of neurodegenerative disease (ND), recent research efforts have intensified the search for curative treatments. Despite significant research, however, existing therapeutic options for ND can only slow down the progression of the disease, but not provide a cure. Light therapy (LT) has been used to treat some mental and sleep disorders. This review illustrates recent studies of the use of LT in patients with ND and highlights its potential for clinical applications. The literature was collected from PubMed through June 2020. Selected studies were primarily English articles or articles that could be obtained with English abstracts and Chinese main text. Articles were not limited by type. Additional potential publications were also identified from the bibliographies of identified articles and the authors’ reference libraries. The identified literature suggests that LT is a safe and convenient physical method of treatment. It may alleviate sleep disorders, depression, cognitive function, and other clinical symptoms. However, some studies have reported limited or no effects. Therefore, LT represents an attractive therapeutic approach for further investigation in ND. LT is an effective physical form of therapy and a new direction for research into treatments for ND. However, it requires further animal experiments to elucidate mechanisms of action and large, double-blind, randomized, and controlled trials to explore true efficacy in patients with ND.
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