中枢神经系统的功能状态与神经递质及其衍生物的代谢密切相关。近年来在神经精神病的发病机制探索中,对神经递质及有关物质进行了大量的研究工作,试图找到特征的变化规律。例如在针麻。脑血管疾病和肝性昏迷的研究中都先后提出了与神经递质及某些氨基酸衍生物或短肽有关。尤其值得注意的是,在肝性昏迷的研究中,提出在中枢神经系统有出现未知的“毒性物质”的可能性。 DANS——聚酰胺薄膜层析方法的特异性低,但灵敏度高(最小可检出量约为10-~(12)mole)。分辨力强,是用以寻找未知“毒性物质”的较好手段。按V·Neuhoff法(1973)进行DANS——聚酰胺薄膜层析。控制上样量为0.5~2.5ul。从临床获得35份人Csf其中10分
The functional status of the central nervous system is closely related to the metabolism of neurotransmitters and their derivatives. In recent years in the pathogenesis of neuropsychiatric exploration, neurotransmitters and related substances carried out a lot of research work, trying to find the characteristics of the law of change. For example, needle and linen. Cerebrovascular disease and hepatic coma have been put forward in the study of neurotransmitters and some amino acid derivatives or short peptides. Of particular note, in the study of hepatic coma, the possibility of an unknown “toxic substance” in the central nervous system was proposed. DANS - polyamide thin film chromatography method is low specificity, but high sensitivity (minimum detectable amount of about 10 - ~ (12) mole). Strong resolution, is used to find unknown “toxic substances” a better means. DANS-polyamide thin film chromatography was performed according to V. Neuhoff method (1973). Control the amount of sample is 0.5 ~ 2.5ul. 35 people received from the clinical Csf which 10 points