问:前不久,黄某将部分过期报废的农药连同瓶子丢入溪中,致使我喂养的200多只蛋鸭中毒死亡。我找黄某协商索赔,但遭到拒绝。请问:黄某应承担赔偿责任吗? 答:据国务院1997年5月8日发布的《农药管理条例》第29条规定:“处理假农药、劣质农药、过期报废农药、禁用农药、废弃农药包
Q: Not long ago, Hwang lost part of the expired pesticides and bottles thrown into the river, causing me to feed more than 200 duck poisoning. I find Hwang consultation claim, but was rejected. Answer: According to Article 29 of the Regulations of Pesticide Administration promulgated by the State Council on May 8, 1997, "Handling of fake pesticides, inferior pesticides, expired and scrapped pesticides, banned pesticides, and discarded pesticide packages