玉米圆斑病(Helminthosporium Carbonum Ullstrupp)是玉米自交系吉63的一种严重病害。它主要危害果穗,造成穗腐。在铁岭地区,从1974年在吉63自交系上发现此病,此后历年均有发生,一般发病率约15%,严重者高达90%以上,甚至绝产,极大地影响了吉63自交系的扩大繁殖和铁单4号杂交种的推广。
Helminthosporium Carbonum Ullstrupp is a serious disease of maize inbred line Ji63. It is mainly harmful to ear, causing ear rot. In Tieling area, the disease was found in the inbred line Ji63 in 1974, and it has been occurring in all the following years. The incidence rate is about 15% in most cases and over 90% in severe cases. Department of the expansion of breeding and Tiedan No. 4 hybrids promotion.