哈密瓜是人人喜爱的甜瓜, 新疆维吾尔语曰之“库洪”。众所 周知,西瓜的可吃部分主要是瓜瓤,哈密瓜则全是吃瓜肉,两者比较,各有风味。自古以来,哈密瓜的身价很高,古代诗人杨诚斋在 《咏瓜诗》中写道:“风露盈篮至, 甘香隔壁闻,绿团罂一捏,白烈玉 中分。”此诗把哈密瓜的形、色、香 都描绘得淋漓尽致了。许多国际 友人来中国吃过哈密瓜,都大加 赞赏。故有人称誉它为“天下第一 瓜”。
Cantaloupe is a favorite melon, Xinjiang Uighur said “Cu Hong.” As we all know, edible part of watermelon is mainly melon, Cantaloupe are all eaten melon, the two compare, each has its own flavor. Since ancient times, the cantaloupe has a high social status. The ancient poet Yang Chengzhai wrote in her “Poetry of Yonggua melon”: “There is an abundance of green tea, Hami melon shape, color, fragrant portrayed most vividly. Many international friends come to China to eat melon, are greatly appreciated. Therefore, some people praise it as ”the best in the world."