目前在出口钨精矿中杂质钙的测定是以焦硫酸钾熔融试样,以草酸铵沉淀钙,灼烧后以盐酸溶解,在一定酸度条件下,用 EDTA 容量法测定。此法干扰多,所以必须使用必要的手段以消除共存元素的干扰,这样就使步骤繁多给分析工作带来了困难。我们采用 WYX-401型原子吸收仪对钨精矿中钙进行了原子吸收分析试验。试样经盐酸、硝酸分解后,钨和硅成钨酸、硅酸沉淀析出,过滤后,于滤液进行钙的测定。实验证明,铜、锰一般常见元素均无干扰,对钙
At present, the determination of impurity calcium in exported tungsten concentrates is based on potassium pyrosulfate melting sample, calcium oxalate precipitation, after burning dissolved in hydrochloric acid, under certain acidity conditions, with EDTA volumetric method. This method has a lot of interference, so the necessary measures must be used to eliminate the interference of coexisting elements, thus making the procedure complicated and bringing difficulties to the analysis. We use WYX-401 Atomic Absorption Tungsten concentrate in the atomic absorption analysis test. Samples after hydrochloric acid, nitric acid decomposition, tungsten and silicon into tungstic acid, silicic acid precipitation, filtration, the determination of calcium in the filtrate. Experiments show that copper and manganese are generally common elements without interference on calcium