早在古罗马文化之前,意大利半岛上曾经兴起了辉煌一时的伊特鲁里亚文化,对欧洲文明的发展起到相当重要的影响。该文明迄今尚存不多的文物,显示了伊特鲁里亚人高超的艺术才能。 伊特鲁里亚地区位于阿尔诺河和台伯河之间,包括今天的翁布里亚、托斯卡纳、靠罗马一边的拉丁姆部分地区、台伯河右岸地区,以及坎帕尼亚和帕达尼亚地区。据研究推测,伊特鲁里亚文明很可能是在各种不同文化相互作用与融合中产生的。公元前10世纪至前8世纪存在于意大利波河平原及意大利半岛南
Before the ancient Roman culture, the magnificent Etruscan culture once flourished on the Italian Peninsula, which had a quite significant impact on the development of European civilization. The few remaining artifacts of the civilization so far show the extraordinary artistic prowess of the Etruscans. The Etruscan region lies between the Arno River and the Tiber River, including today’s Umbria, Tuscany, parts of Latium on the Roman side, the right bank of the Tiber and Campania Patagonia region. According to the research, Etruscan civilization is likely to have arisen from the interaction and integration of different cultures. The 10th to the 8th century BC existed in Italy’s Po River Plain and the Italian peninsula south