
来源 :湖南农业大学学报(自然科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangsonghuan
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湖南省茶园害虫群落演替趋势明显 .半个多世纪来 ,随着茶叶生产的发展和栽培管理措施与防治方法的变更 ,害虫种类逐渐增至 3 0 0多种 .优势种群从当初少数食叶性蛾类及钻蛀枝干害虫 ,发展到多种食叶害虫 ,尤其是吸汁式芽梢害虫更为猖獗 .经分析认为 :主要是由于化学农药的大量使用 ,尤其是滥用、乱用 ,杀伤天敌 ;大量氮肥的单一使用 ,使芽叶含氮量偏高 ,茶树抗病虫能力下降 ;大面积单一化种植 ,留叶采摘等栽培方法的实施 ;防治方法单一 ,重治不重防等原因引起的 .对此 ,认为生态条件较好的山区和半山区茶园应推广生态控制 ,大面积茶园实行综合治理 ,强调农业防治 ,提倡生物防治 ,严格控制和合理使用化学农药 For the past half a century, with the development of tea production, cultivation and management measures and the change of prevention and treatment methods, the pest species gradually increased to more than 300. The dominant population from the original minority eclipse leaves It is mainly because of the heavy use of chemical pesticides, especially the indiscriminate use of indiscriminate use and killing of natural enemies ; Single use of a large amount of nitrogen fertilizer, the nitrogen content of shoot leaves is too high, tea plant resistance to pests and diseases decreased; large-scale single planting, leave leaves and other cultivation methods of implementation; prevention and treatment of a single, In this regard, that the better ecological conditions in mountainous and semi-mountain tea gardens should promote ecological control, large-scale implementation of integrated control of tea gardens, emphasizing prevention and control of agriculture, promoting biological control, strict control and rational use of chemical pesticides
<正>作者:阿摩斯·拉普卜特/Amos Rapoport 出版:Prentice-Hall Inc,19691960-1970年代的建筑界诞生了大量的经典理论著作,阿摩斯·拉普卜特的《宅形与文化》就是其中之一。
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