Reverse Circulation DTH Hammer Drilling Technique

来源 :Global Geology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tmhou5648
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The technical characteristics and operational principal of the reverse circulation DTH hammer drilling technology is integrated introduced in this paper. Using simulation technology to assist the drilling tool design, the optimum designed DTH hammer gets stable performance, and the bit has reverse circulation ability, and further more, it has already developed serial products. The reverse circulation DTH hammer drilling technique has been fully applied in field such as the geological core exploration in complex strata, water well drilling, and large diameter rock embedding piles drilling in hard rock, and obviously, it is achieved favorable economic and social benefits. The technical characteristics and operational principal of the reverse circulation DTH hammer drilling technology is integrated introduced in this paper. Using simulation technology to assist the drilling tool design, the optimum designed DTH hammer gets stable performance, and the bit has reverse circulation ability, and further more, it has already developed serial products. The reverse circulation DTH hammer drilling technique has been fully applied in field such as the geological core exploration in complex strata, water well drilling, and large diameter rock embedding piles drilling in hard rock, and obviously, it is achieved favorable economic and social benefits.
八十年代,改 革开放的 中国造就一批暴发户的同时,也出现了一批以前不曾有过的“星”,如歌星、影星等等,他们可谓是改革开放的最大受益者,暴发户们首先品尝到商品经济的甜头
水杨基萤光酮(SAF)是光度分析中优良的显色剂之一,金属离子与SAF在表面活性剂存在下的络合体系已用于Ti Zr Sn Ge Nb Ta Mo W等的测定,关于钪、钍与SAF,阳离子表面活性剂(CS
属于H_mF_(2-m)Si(CH_2CH_5)n(CHCH_2)_(2-n)型的九个化合物可以系统地合成出来。本文报导它们的质子核磁共振谱。 (一)核磁共振样品的制备 硅烷及其氟取代衍生物易氧化,不
20国集团(G20)国际货币体系高层研讨会近日于中国南京落下帷幕。这次会议既是G20框架内首次举行的高级别研讨会,也是G20相关会议首次在华召开。  作为与会代表热议的课题,人民币是否加入SDR(特别提款权)再次吸引全球目光。法国总统萨科齐提议,国际社会现在即可就此制定意见一致的时间表。支持这一观点的依据,除了目前美元主导的国际货币体系正日渐暴露其不合理性且不断加剧全球失衡,更为直接的说辞则如法国
本文提出用钯(Ⅱ) 8 羟基喹啉 5 磺酸铝体系测定氰的高灵敏分析方法。方法测定下限达0.002μgmL CN(?)。试验确定了最佳反应条件,对土壤和粮食中微量氰根进行了测定并与光度