签到牌版画面可 谓匠心独具:一辆浮 磁列车停靠在世纪交 替的站台边,一批神 采奕奕的“乘客”阔步 迈向新世纪;联合国 教科文组织的忠告格 外醒目:金钱、权利和 享受,都应该排在健 康之后;会议标题赫 然入目:21世纪上海 企业家健康之路务实 研讨会。 一位位与会代 表?
The check-in version of the signboard is particularly interesting: a maglev train stops at the platform of the turn of the century, and a group of enthusiastic “passengers” stride toward the new century; UNESCO’s advice is particularly striking: money, rights and enjoyment They should be ranked after health; the title of the meeting was impressive: the 21st century pragmatic seminar for the entrepreneurial health of Shanghai. One bit of delegates?