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简要介绍了钢筋混凝土空间网格盒式成束筒新型结构。以某拟建工程为例,对比分析了该新型结构和常规框筒结构的周期、楼层位移和框架柱与核心筒的剪力分配等参数。结果表明,该新型结构在力学性能和抗震性能上优于常规框筒结构。采用MIDAS/Gen软件对该新型结构进行静力弹塑性分析,得到该结构性能点状态下的变形、基底剪力、层间位移角曲线和塑性铰分布;由此总结了该结构塑性铰的发展状态及构件屈服顺序。结果表明,该结构具有很好的延性,能够满足“大震不倒”的抗震设防要求。 A brief introduction of the new structure of reinforced concrete space mesh box beam barrel is presented. Taking a proposed project as an example, the parameters such as the periodicity of the new structure and conventional frame tube structure, floor displacement and the shear distribution of frame column and core tube are compared and analyzed. The results show that the new structure is superior to the conventional frame-tube structure in mechanical properties and seismic performance. The static elasto-plastic analysis of the new structure was carried out by using MIDAS / Gen software. The deformation, the base shear force, the displacement angle and the plastic hinge distribution were obtained. The development of the plastic hinge was summarized Condition and order of yielding of components. The results show that the structure has good ductility and can meet the seismic fortification requirements of “Great Burst”.
目的:以运动作为对比,观察不同时长(14 d、28 d)间歇性禁食的体重控制效果,探究其对骨骼肌质量及自噬的影响。方法:选取60只SD大鼠(雄)随机分为3组(n=20):安静对照组(Sed组)
肺癌是世界范围内导致癌症死亡的主要原因,大多数患者患有非小细胞肺癌(non-small cell lung cancer,NSCLC),大多数被诊断时已是晚期疾病。尽管有现代化学治疗和(或)针对基因