The authors treated only 4 demethyl-epodopsin-β-D-thiomethylene glucoside (VP-16-213) in 3 patients with untreated and refractory acute single children. Example 1 is a February baby boy, M_(5b); Example 2 is a 1(7/(12)) boy, M_(5a); Example 3 is a 14-year-old girl, M_(5a). Cases 1 and 2 failed to be treated with daunorubicin combined with Ara-C. Case 3 was the third relapse after remission with combination chemotherapy. In each case, VP-16-213 was used alone, and the dose was 100-200 mg/m 2 /day for intravenous injection for 5 days. During the induction period, supportive treatment is strengthened and fresh whole blood, platelets, etc. are lost. The maintenance dose was from 200 mg/m 2 once a week to 400 mg/m 2 every 2 weeks. Examples 1 and 2 were intrathecalally injected with Ara-C, MTX, and hydrocortisone to prevent CNS leukemia. CR was obtained in all 3 patients and maintained for 11, 6 and 7 months respectively. Toxic reactions include myelosuppression, alopecia, nausea, vomiting, and impaired renal function, which can be tolerated. The toxicity is related to the dose. Visible, VP-16-213